teaches at MIT Sloan School of Management, where he offers courses to executives on personal productivity. He was president of Fidelity Investments and executive chair of MFS Investment Management, and served as a senior official in both federal and state government. His seven books include Extreme Productivity, a top-rated business title that has been translated into 10 languages. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College, and was on the editorial board of the Yale Law Journal. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Learn more about Bob at

ALEXANDRA SAMUEL is a tech speaker and data journalist who has worked remotely for most of her 25-year career. The co-founder of pioneering social media agency Social Signal, Samuel creates digital content and workshops for companies like Twitter, Discovery and Sprinklr. Her writing on digital productivity appears frequently in the Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review, and she is the tech columnist for JSTOR Daily. She holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University, and lives in Vancouver, Canada. She is the author of Work Smarter with Social Media (Harvard Business Review Press). Learn more about Alex at AlexandraSamuel.com.